
The axes

The structuring of the PRISM laboratory is based on three interdisciplinary axes and on structuring programs.

Structuring programs

The research carried out by the PRISM axes is deployed within structuring interdisciplinary programs. These programs are intended to draw on all expertise and skills developed within the Unit. They are similar to dynamic trajectories circulating through the three axes and structure the scientific animation by contributing to the emergence of transdisciplinary research.


The research conducted within PRISM naturally aims at achievements that can give rise to new industrial or societal partnerships.

Scientific events

This page contains all the scientific events organized by the PRISM laboratory.

CMMR Conference Series

The Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) conference series is an international scientific event, created at the initiative of PRISM researchers in 2003.

Our publications

Find here all our publications deposited on the platform of open archives HAL.