The axes address questions related to the modeling of research objects (sound, image, music) and their contextualization.
The axes
The structuring of the PRISM laboratory is based on three interdisciplinary axes and on structuring programs.
The structuring of the PRISM laboratory is based on three interdisciplinary axes and on structuring programs.
The axes address questions related to the modeling of research objects (sound, image, music) and their contextualization.
This axis addresses issues related to the generative processes of sound, visual and music, in relation to the different forms of perception induced. It aims on the one hand to design sound, visual and musical creation tools and on the other hand to develop control models coherent with the subject’s feeling.
The axis deals with the study of the processes of creation/interpretation/recreation or improvisation, artistic practices and explorations but also the interactions between research, creation and action.
The question studied by the axis is the following: How are certain technical or artistic devices developed or studied in PRISM both constituted (i.e., thought out and manufactured) and constitutive (i.e., how they modify our way of being in the world and of being with the other), and what are the contents of conscious experience (both rational and sensitive), which are associated with their double property of being constituted and constitutive?